You are writing a report in the category
Human rights (risk or violation of the German Supply Chain Act LkSG)
Human rights risks / violations
  • Prohibition of child labor
  • Prohibition of forced labor and all forms of slavery
  • Disregard of occupational health and safety and work-related health hazards
  • Failure to respect freedom of association - freedom of association and right to collective bargaining
  • Prohibition of unequal treatment in employment
  • Prohibition of withholding a reasonable wage
  • Destruction of the natural basis of life through environmental pollution
  • Illegal violation of land rights
  • Prohibition of the commissioning or use of private / public security forces that can lead to impairments due to a lack of instruction or control
  • The prohibition of any other act or omission in breach of duty which is directly capable of impairing in a particularly serious manner a protected legal position (arising from the human rights conventions within the meaning of ยง 2 par. 1) and the unlawfulness of which is obvious on reasonable appraisal of all the circumstances under consideration

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Attention: The specification of your e-mail address serves exclusively for unique identification. There will be no communication about your report via e-mail.

Please describe the incident

Optional: Voice message

As an alternative or supplement to "Your message", you can record a voice message. You can record up to 5 voice messages. Each voice message can be 3 minutes long.
Record voice message


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