Hinweisgebersystem F & K DELVOTEC Bondtechnik GmbH
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Money laundering (AMLA) →
Money laundering includes any activity in which the proceeds of criminal activity are funneled into, and through, the financial system for subsequent use in an activity that appears to be legal. Because criminal assets are involved, the main objective of money laundering is to make sure that no one finds out the criminal origins of the financial activity.
Privacy & Information Security →
Involves breaches of data protection laws and regulations on the protection of personal data. This would include, in particular, cases involving large quantities of data or particularly sensitive data. Examples:
the unlawful disclosure of business and trade secrets
the misuse of data
the insufficient access protection to sensitive data
Environmental protection →
Environmental protection includes any environmental offenses and environmental damage. For example:
Illegal disposal of waste
Improper handling of pollutants
Water, soil, or air pollution
Embezzlement →
This would include all property offenses to the detriment of the company. For example:
Theft or misappropriation of company property
Withholding company funds or work materials
Personal enrichment
Conflicts of interest →
A conflict of interest occurs when a person/company is entangled in multiple interests that may corrupt that person's/company's motivations or decision-making. One such situation would be when an employee's personal interests come into conflict with those of the company, and the company suffers damage as a result.
Manipulation of business documents/balance sheets →
This would refer, in particular, to violations of applicable accounting standards or generally accepted accounting principles, resulting in misrepresentations in the company's financial reporting. For example: improper preparation or falsification of invoices, credit notes, financial statements, audit trails, etc.
Antitrust and competition law →
This would include infringements that counteract the securing and maintenance of effective market competition. An anti-competitive situation is when there is collusion or an exchange of competition-relevant information between companies and their competitors, for example.
Violations of codes of conduct at the workplace as well as human rights violations →
These include violations of working conditions as well as human rights violations. For example:
Unequal treatment
Working time violations
Environmental protection (risk or violation of the German Supply Chain Act LkSG) →
Environmental risks / violations
Prohibited production, use and/or disposal of mercury (Minamata Convention)
Prohibited production and/or use of substances within the scope of the Stockholm Convention (POPs) and non-environmentally sound handling of waste containing POPs
Prohibited import/export of hazardous waste as defined by the Basel Convention
Human rights (risk or violation of the German Supply Chain Act LkSG) →
Human rights risks / violations
Prohibition of child labor
Prohibition of forced labor and all forms of slavery
Disregard of occupational health and safety and work-related health hazards
Failure to respect freedom of association - freedom of association and right to collective bargaining
Prohibition of unequal treatment in employment
Prohibition of withholding a reasonable wage
Destruction of the natural basis of life through environmental pollution
Illegal violation of land rights
Prohibition of the commissioning or use of private / public security forces that can lead to impairments due to a lack of instruction or control
The prohibition of any other act or omission in breach of duty which is directly capable of impairing in a particularly serious manner a protected legal position (arising from the human rights conventions within the meaning of ยง 2 par. 1) and the unlawfulness of which is obvious on reasonable appraisal of all the circumstances under consideration